Wednesday, March 11, 2009


-noun - the first; beginning

Congratulations, you have just successfully imported your friendster blog into your blogger account. Now there's really nothing holding you back from deleting that account of yours.

Oh how the times that you've spent hours upon hours on friendster, surfing the profiles of our friends and relatives, refreshing the home page to check whether you have new comments (whoops, testimonials... yes, that was what it was called) or inbox messages. Ah, gone are the days of endless customizing of css and html and what not. You've out grown friendster, haven't you, yes you have. Your into facebook now, whoot.

The Avenue was supposed to be a fresh start for you, but recently people have been commenting and asking about your previous posts. And yes, you just couldn't bring yourself to delete that heap of what you consider 'creative display of emotions and thought expressed through over-thesaurized (???) words'. Oh yea, you just love reading your own work doncha? :P

Two types: you'll be able to distictly identify the posts' content by the title, since I have two distinct types of posts. Oh well, just an extra effort to over-complicated what should be simple task. But isn't that norm of humans? What is simple we over complicate, what is complicated we complain about, what is less we want more, what is more we... well, usually WANT more.

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed"

I'll leave you find out who quoted that.

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